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How Do You Know If You’re In “The Right” Relationship? with Sean Jenkins

Episode 103

Hello my loves and welcome to a new episode with my beloved, Sean. In this episode, we’re talking all on how to know if you’re in “the right” relationship – and trust me when I say, there’s so much packed into this conversation that you won’t be expecting. My wish for you is that this episode leaves you with a deeper understanding of challenges in past relationships, ways to build a stronger connection in your current one, or ease the pressure on calling the future one that you desire.

Time Stamps

1:07 What does “the right person” even mean?
8:28 Signs that you might no longer be in the right relationship
14:09 The danger with falling in love with “the potential” of a relationship
19:37 A trauma bond vs. healthily working through challenges together
26:40 Demystifying the common belief that “opposites attract”
34:45 What is and isn’t worth sacrificing
42:20 Mel’s 3 questions

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