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Have More By Doing Less with Kate Northrup

Episode 9

Episode 9 of the Love, Sex + Magic Podcast welcomes Kate Northrup. Kate is a mother, entrepreneur, and bestselling author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less. She’s made it her mission to teach people how to have more time and make more money while feeling less stressed.

In this episode, we focus on the Do Less concept, unpacking the paradox that doing less can actually lead to achieving more. We speak into our conditioning and how we have been raised to believe that our job as humans is to tick off a list of accomplishments that make us more valuable. Kate believes our focus should instead be on self care and avoiding burn out.

Since her work is rooted in data and soul driven feminine time and energy management practices, we spend a lot of time speaking into menstrual cycles and the moon phases. And she reveals exactly how we can use them to help organise our lives for optimum productivity. 

If you’re a high achiever looking to manage success with minimal stress, or just someone hoping to welcome more balance, efficiency, and self care in their life, then this episode is a must listen for you!

Time Stamps:

  • 1:06 Kate’s journey to doing to less
  • 5:39 Doing less to be more
  • 8:53 It doesn’t mean doing nothing
  • 14:02 How we’ve been conditioned
  • 19:03 No one gets a prize for suffering
  • 19:41 Make space for self care
  • 24:33 The feminine approach to business
  • 28:51 Cycles and phases
  • 37:40 Honouring menstrual phases
  • 41:01 Where to find Kate

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