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Q&A with Rick and Mel on Relationships, Love, Trauma, Attachment Work

Episode 40

Welcome back to our third and final episode of this 3-part mini-series on How To Do The Work, where Rick and I are answering questions asked on social media on all things love and relationships.

If you missed Part 1 of this mini-series, click here to listen. For Part 2, listen here.

Time Stamps

00:44 How do you get over the feeling of missing some of that intensity from trauma bond relationships?
3:47 Have you ever thought about having an open relationship? How did the discussion go?
7:30 Can you fully live your purpose if you’re in a different mindset from your partner?
11:11 Advice for a couple who want to start doing the work together
14:28 Mel and Rick’s love languages
18:12 As a single person, how do you attract someone who is good for you?

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The Goddess Collective also includes:

A monthly workshop and workbook
Fortnightly moonology readings
A monthly Aphrodite Circle group coaching call hosted by yours truly
Bonus interviews Interviews with guest experts
An invitation into a members-only exclusive Facebook community, and
Instant access to all the content that came before, and so much more…

…all for $67.

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