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Deprogram from The Matrix with Aaron Rose

Episode 28

Aaron Rose serves our collective evolution as an inspirational speaker, transformational coach, and visionary writer. He has mentored top public figures in embracing their role as new paradigm leaders, facilitated cultural change across multiple industries as an inclusive culture consultant, and speaks and writes on co-creating a world where we all thrive as ourselves. According to Aaron, a better world is not a future possibility; it’s already here, if we choose it.

I have always felt inspired to see the world through the eyes of Aaron Rose. He has such a magnificent way of communicating his vision for the world through his words, programs, and more recently, his poetry. I feel blessed to call Aaron a soul-friend of mine and equally as honoured to bring you this episode with him.

Time Stamps

4:03 Aaron’s “why” – for him and for the world
6:50 A journey with social justice
13:19 Balancing peace and revolution
20:54 From anger to passion
26:13 Call out culture
33:03 A global community that deserves more
39:30 Reclaiming spiritually
44:00 How to create heaven on earth
48:55 Mel’s 3 questions

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