Episode 3
This episode of the Love, Sex + Magic Podcast welcomes the one and only Regena Thomashauer a.k.a Mama Gena, and you are in for a treat with this one! Author of New York Times’ bestseller Pussy: A Reclamation, Regena has kickstarted a movement with a collective of women now determined to own their feminine power.
With this at the heart of our conversation, we find out exactly why Regena just had to call her book THAT – discussing the thought process and reaction to her fiercely female title. We discuss the derogatory usage of the word and the act of reclaiming it – what it means for us, and why we absolutely must do it.
If you want to know how to embody the vital life force of what it means to be a woman, then this episode’s for you! That’s right – Regena’s got tips and tricks, tools and techniques you can use to connect to your pussy, and speak to the sacred heart of your divine feminine.
Mama Gena is a legend and icon in the field of female sexuality and desire, so you can bet we chat all things pleasure – including why it’s so important, and why some of us are resistant to experiencing it. We even get to hear her opinion on the portrayal of pussies and female pleasure in porn, and cover sex education, getting down to the details of what she thinks we should be teaching our children.
I can guarantee you’ll feel empowered and ready to step into your feminine magic after this episode. So, what are you waiting for? Dive on in!
Time Stamps:
- 2:03 Pussy: creating the movement
- 7:18 The other words we’re taught to use – when there’s no name, it’s replaced by shame
- 9:45 Why culture disconnects women from their power
- 12:15 The absence of the divine feminine in religion
- 15:55 Derogatory use of pussy in the modern day and reclaiming the word
- 18:45 How to connect with your pussy
- 29:51 Sex education and portrayals in porn
- 33:00 Surgery and genital mutilation
- 40:58 Teaching daughters and sons about pleasure
- 44:57 Women’s resistance to pleasure
- 48:02 What Regena’s got coming up
- 50:17 The 3 questions I ask every LSM guest
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