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Awaken Your Inner Sex Goddess with Layla Martin

Episode 1

It makes perfect sense that we’re launching the Love, Sex + Magic Podcast with the incredible Layla Martin. As some of you know, I’m training within Layla’s Sex, Love and Relationships certification at The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, so I have first hand experience of how profoundly knowledgable she is on these subjects.

You can think of this episode as a ‘Goddess Guide to Spiritual Sex’, as we discuss the interconnectivity of sex and spirituality, including how sex can be one of the paths to spiritual awakening. Sex is sacred – and in this episode we cover how and why we can use this practice to tap into a higher space of consciousness. We talk Tantra, and get down to the details of how we can apply this esoteric tradition to our modern lives.

Layla speaks into her personal experience and journey, discussing healing from trauma and how that led her to live into her purpose and do what she does now. We dive deep into how we can unblock ourselves and stop holding back from fully embracing our sexuality. We explore the history of women and sex, our conditioning and collective shame, and what it truly means to be a woman in touch with her femininity.

As well as this, we unpack self love, sex toys, high sex drive, low sex drive, porn and more… there’s really no stone left unturned in this introductory episode of the Love, Sex + Magic Podcast – and I can’t think of a better way to kick off this magical series!


Time Stamps:

2:38 Layla’s journey – living her purpose and healing trauma

9:24 Unlocking our sexuality

12:10 Addressing collective shame around sex

16:13 Orgasm as meditation and Tantra

25:17 What we’re taught about sex and the portrayal in porn

33:00 Women as goddesses – sex as innate power

34:36 Numbness – how to awaken your sexuality

39:32 Speaking into surrender

47:31 Talking toys

52:15 High sex drive and handling rejection

59:21 What Layla’s got coming up

1:00:53 The 3 questions I ask every LSM guest


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Goddess Collective members unlock access to extra “after the cut” content from each and every interview I host. During this segment of the podcast (which is recorded only for Collective members, and hosted inside the Collective website), questions that are submitted by the Goddesses are answered by podcast guests.

The Goddess Collective also includes:

      • A monthly workshop and workbook
      • Fortnightly moonology readings
      • A monthly Aphrodite Circle group coaching call hosted by yours truly 
      • Bonus interviews
      • Interviews with guest experts
      • An invitation into a members only exclusive Facebook community, and
      • Instant access to all the content that came before, and so much more…

…all for $67.

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