Let’s talk about something serious, shall we?


Let’s talk about how you love to consume trash.

No honey – I’m not talking about your food this week – I’m talking about the women’s weekly. A lot of us have a guilty pleasure for these magazines… you know the sort…

What celebs really weigh!

Who’s lost 2 stone and who’s gained it back!
Who is ‘flaunting their curves’ on the beach?

Who has ‘gone too far’ and is ‘too skinny’? 

Who has let themselves go and DARED to wear a bikini on the beach?

(and let’s not forget the 5 pages of ads for cosmetic surgery in the back)

How do you feel reading these mags? Truthfully?

These recognised women who we have put in the public eye, are real people. Can you imagine having your body splashed all over the front page of these magazines and then scrutinised and picked apart and ogled by hundreds of thousands of women every day? (because let’s be honest – no men buy these magazines).

Can you imagine if there was a MALE equivalent of these mags? Men showcasing other famous men’s bodies and talking about who has a six pack and who has a beer gut? Who gained 4kg and who lost it? Photos of them in their speedos ‘flaunting’ themselves on the beach?

No. Of course you can’t. It’s utterly ridiculous, that’s why.


And yet for women it is completely the norm.

Do not fill your head with this trash just like you hopefully wouldn’t fill your body with trash either.

How are you fuelling your body and how are you fuelling your mind?
The two go hand in hand.

If you want to be your happiest, most vibrant and healthy self, really think about what you are fuelling your mind with. What are you reading and seeing? Is it filling your head with positive, encouraging thoughts? Is it teaching you something? Is it helping you move forward or backwards?

 Stop buying magazines that encourage body negativity and comparisonitis – if you are buying these mags just to ogle at other women and scrutinise their bodies…what do you actually expect to happen inside your head? How do you think this will affect your food choices, and the relationship you have with your body?

 What thoughts do you want to be filling your mind with?

What will best support you?

It is a goal of mine to have a regular column in a women’s magazine and be a positive influence on the women reading – and help to transform the way they view themselves and their bodies.

Weekly self love, body love, lifting women UP instead of tearing them down! Positive affirmations, some great recipes of course and an advice and Q+A section!! (Editors if you’re reading – drop me an email and let’s talk!)

It’s about time we started praising the women we have put in the spotlight rather than tearing them down and criticising them. It’s about time we supported each other as sisters. It’s about time we realised that the beauty of another women does not take away from our beauty.


Love and praise the women in the spotlight and public eye,
just as you love and praise the Goddesses around you.




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