What are your hashtag #Bodygoals?
My body goals have changed somewhat over the years. My body goals used to be to have someone else’s body. To have HER stomach, HER waist, HER bum, HER legs. All merged into one body. “#Bodygoals”, as I see we all so commonly throw around on Instagram.
But what happens when you develop a deep connection, loyalty and understanding with your own body?
You stop comparing it to everyone else’s online. You stop focusing on appearance alone.
And you start wowing yourself at how absolutely incredible your body actually is, and your goalposts change.
Now my body goals are different…
One is to master this pose Naturajasana, til I have two straight legs, and it becomes the splits standing up. (It’s a yoga pose people stop judging me ?)
My body goals are to learn stand up paddle board yoga! ?✌
And to hold a handstand for a good 30 seconds!
My body goals are to learn how to surf properly, and become really good at it so I can teach kids! ?
My body goals are to have a nourished, vibrant and fit body that feels agile, energised and well every day when I get out of bed! ?
My body goals are to have legs that can walk me as far as I need to walk without ever getting tired when I am getting lost in new places and adventuring around new cities by myself. ?
And my ultimate body goal never changes – for my body to have the capacity to create little babes and carry me through childbirth and into motherhood. ❤
Major. Body. Goals ???
So what about you – what are your REAL #bodygoals?
Shift your perspective on what your body is really capable of instead of putting all your energy into changing how it looks!
Time to set some new goals baby?
Mel XO