2 handfuls mixed leaves (I used a blend of spinach, rocket and watercress)
1/4 watermelon, cubed
1 lime
1 handful fresh basil leaves
100g Feta cheese, cubed
1 cup Quinoa
1 cup frozen peas




Wash your leaves and basil, mix together and arrange on your salad plate.
Boil your quinoa in a saucepan of boiling water.
When your quinoa is ready, add your frozen peas and heat for a further 5 minutes before draining.
Add your quinoa and peas to your salad plate, followed by adding your cubes of watermelon and your cubes of feta.
Lastly, squeeze your lime juice all over your salad.




A refreshing and filling salad, flavoured with basil and lime – perfect to see the Summer out with! This recipe makes two servings – so have one for dinner, one for tomorrow’s lunch!


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