4 -5 large sweet potatoes
3 huge handfuls kale (destemmed)
1 large red or white onion, your choice
1 tbsp cumin
1 tbsp chilli flakes
1 cup wholemeal flour or alternative flour of your choice – quinoa, buckwheat etc.
Peel your sweet potatoes and boil them in water for 10-15 minutes or until soft.
Drain the potatoes and then mash them up til all the lumps have gone and you are left with a smooth, sweet potato mash.
Wash and de-stem your kale, and add it to the mash.
Chop your large onion finely and add your chopped onion in to the mash, and continue to mix with a spoon.
Add the cumin and chilli flakes in to the mash, and lastly add the flour, and stir well.
Roll into balls and then flatten into patty shapes to form your sweet potato cakes.
Melt some coconut oil in a big frying pan, and heat your cakes in the pan – you should be able to fit 5-6 cakes in at a time. Flip them over like pancakes so each side is well cooked.
This recipe makes 10-12 cakes so you will have some left over for beautiful lunches for the rest of the week! As always please tag me in your pictures as I love to see your creations! <3
Wow that looks delicious and super easy! Will give it a go 🙂
Quite new to kale, how do you de-steam it? x
Really easy Victoria, just rip them apart in your fingers and get rid of the stem so you only have leaves xx
yum!! I’m gonna try these!! I make some very similar with sweet potatoes and ground turkey.. 🙂
Love this recipe! Literally just made it and about to fry the cakes now. Fabulous, thank you! Xxx
These were delicious! Even my ‘must have meat with every meal’ husband enjoyed them! 🙂
I love sweet potatoes but I never know what to do with them! Thank you for sharing this recipe, it looks and sounds tasty!
My first green goddess recipe! Tried these today and loved them! x