CW yellow cafe

The biggest misconception I am still hearing from women is that skinny = happy. Or muscular = happy. Or changing your body will = happy.

Let me give it to you straight. I am not a weight loss coach or a personal trainer. Do not come to me if you want to stay stuck in the land of “but if I just lost this 10lbs my life could finally begin….”

I work with women who want HEALTH and HAPPINESS – from the inside out!

Women who KNOW that they are sick of perpetuating the constant dieting, cycle of starve/binge, sick of emotional eating/using food as a drug, and ready to cut the crap, stop hating on their bodies every day and FULLY reclaim their lives, NOW – TODAY. Not when you’ve done yet another diet.

If you keep reinforcing the belief that changing your body is the key to your lasting happiness then you’re really just scratching the surface and will be chasing that thing/moving the goal posts forever more. I’m all about a change in mindset – THAT is the life changing stuff. I help my clients quit the negative self talk, and embrace healthy, loving relationships again with themselves and food and their bodies. It takes a COMMITMENT to LOVE.


It takes COURAGE to finally loosen your grip on “thin” and instead embrace “healthy” and “happy” above anything else.


It means you sitting in that ‘void’ that you used to fill with food or excessive working out.

It means you getting to know YOURSELF on a much deeper level than just, what your body looks like or what number you weigh on the scale.



You MAY well lose pounds effortlessly, as a result of ending your emotional eating and excessive bingeing. You MAY gain a few pounds due to you calming the fuck down on your gruelling regimes and strictly controlled rules around food, as a result of your body getting back into a practice of finding her natural balance after so many years of being manipulated.


You WILL be Healthier. Happier. Free.


This means intuitively eating when your body is hungry for nourishment, and exercising when your body wants to be moved and feel active and strong. YOU are in the driving seat of your happiness. It all starts with a COMMITMENT TO LOVE.

If you’ve been hating your body for years AND dieting for years, maybe it’s about time you tried something different?

All my love




