When I lost my Dad 5 years ago, my relationship with men changed.

No surprise really – but I wasn’t conscious enough at the time to realise the connection.
I felt ‘abandoned’, and I began to bolt – it was in a way out of love and protection for myself. In every relationship since I have felt like running. This was accompanied with attracting emotionally unavailable partners. Me and my friend actually used to joke that I would only date people that were ‘a bit of a dick’😂 (Please say you relate), – this along with addictive games that made me sick with anxiety, all essentially me hiding my true self and rooted in the fear of real intimacy.🙈

I was hiding – so I would continue to attract this, and wonder why I couldn’t connect with them as deeply as I thought I desired?! But this was simply the Law of Attraction – showing me what I WAS – of course! 🙄 It seems so bloody obvious now. (The thought of a conscious man absolutely terrified me. Nowhere to hide.)

I moved to Bali on a mission to do this work.

I started coaching with Persia Lawson, who I can honestly say has completely changed my life. I knew deep down I was deserving of healthy loving sexual relationship, despite what I was attracting but I knew I needed to work on me first. This has been hard (!!) but I have been able to consciously transcend old patterns and beliefs, and BECOME the deep love I desired. To learn what it was to simply, BE in a state of love, to “BE” Love itself.

The next part is weird. I had a reading with Jessica Reid, and she told me to connect with Rick.🔮✨ (Move over, Tinder) 😐I saw he was a conscious, loving, open hearted being. “Not my type”, I thought – “but maybe we will collab or work together” 😂 (I have since learned he thought the exact same about me) But we were magnetised to each other and couldn’t stop talking. ✨

We developed a beautiful, weird friendship thousands of miles apart, and fell in love before we had even met. It has been terrifying at times, to fully surrender and let my old self die….but so worth it. I did not know a love like this could even exist, let alone find a home within me. I wish this level of love for everyone. ❤️ #ItsAllPerfect

To finding your soulmate.

All My Love,
