

We are sent here to unlearn fear, and to remember love.


Fear and doubt is what keeps us stuck.

Limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world.

What moves us on?

What fills us up?

What helps us grow beyond our wildest dreams? Love.


Love is the answer even when your ego tells you it isn’t.


You may be thinking about your ‘love life’ right now but actually the truth is – all your relationships are just a mirror for the love you have for yourself.

When you love yourself you become a magnet to welcome more great love into your life.
The doubts and fears hold you back.


“I’ll crack this self love malarky once I’ve got to my goal weight, k Mel?” 

Actually, you’re doing it the wrong way around.


Love yourself enough to nourish your body.
Love yourself enough to heal your body.
Love yourself enough to eat the right foods in abundance.
Love yourself enough to listen to your body and respect when she is full.
Love yourself enough to say no to the things that don’t make you happy.
Love yourself even when you are in pain.
Love yourself enough to forgive yourself when you make a choice that didn’t necessarily serve you.

Love yourself enough to move your body in a way that feels good.
Love yourself enough to not be easily led.
Love yourself enough to know that you are the only expert of your body here.
Love yourself enough to slow down for mealtimes.
Love yourself enough to honour your true feelings.
Love yourself to trust your intuition, even when it makes no sense.


When you are feeling fearful, love yourself enough to
LOVE the fear and drown it out.


All My Love

Mel xo

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