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So grateful to be a part of Womens Health InShapeMyShape Campaign. I LOVE my healthy belly. And I actually do, not just saying the words! For years I hated having any kind of “podge” and the fact I didn’t have a perfectly washboard stomach with a tiny waist. I’ve always had a pretty straight bod, and narrow hips. I would go on extreme diets, did 500 ab crunches a day, started gruelling diet and fitness regimes in search of the perfect stomach and to shrink my waist… all-of-the-things! (Nothing changed my body shape though ?) And none of these things I did out of love for my body at all – but all hate and punishment for my bod not being good enough by my own ridiculously high standards.

 Now, I’m proud to say I love my little belly. I love it because it’s mine and it’s healthy. I didn’t inherit my mum’s hourglass figure with a tiny waist – I inherited my Dad’s athletic frame instead. And I love that, because it’s a part of my Dad that I’ll never lose.<3  Also – that softness is where my fun is!! For me that represents my spontaneous nights out with friends, amazing meals in swanky restaurants, date nights with my man, bottomless brunches with the girls, and the fact I don’t obsess over my exercise regimes or food rules any more.

 That’s why I love it. AND – this healthy belly will one day be the place my children grow in! So I send it love on the daily, and listen to it. <3 My body has carried me all the way through life so far and never let me down – it has always supported me, despite me abusing it and putting it under immense pressure to be perfect for a long time. I have ALL the love for my bod – how she is now, and regardless of any changes she is bound to go through in all the years to come. Very proud to be part of this important campaign! 

All my love

Mel xo