Since I started coaching women on healing their relationships with food, one of my biggest dreams has been to speak on the Hay House stage at Ignite, and this weekend that finally came true!

I had the most amazing time sharing my message with a room full of awesome Goddesses in the audience. It was truly such an incredible energy, and I felt so honoured to be up there on stage sharing the room with you all.

There were book signings and my favourite thing ever- real life hugs with Goddesses! 😃

Of course I had to throw in a dance break too (Ed Sheeran – Shape of You) 😉

So many amazing speakers and authors shared their voice and message- my dear friend Rebecca Campbell helped us tap back in to our creative side, Sandy Newbigging gave us tips to calm our minds, Charlie Morley spoke about Lucid dreaming and Carrie was rocking it with her top tips to start your own business!! I love each of these authors so much and am so happy to call them friends. They all inspire me in their own unique ways.

Special mention for Sonia Choquette who absolutely brought the ROOF down- literally the place was on fire with energy! What a Goddess!

Feeling eternally grateful this week for the amazing opportunities life presents us with, and the platform I have to share this message of self love, ending the war on our bodies forever, and living at peace again.

Were you there this weekend? What was your favourite moment? I’d love to know!

To seeing our dreams, and fulfilling them –
