
Recently I was invited to appear on BBC Radio 1’s show The Surgery, to talk about their #BodyPositive campaign. I’m so excited to be able to share the recording with you!

Important: being #‎BodyPositive doesn’t just mean accepting your body as she is, and then continuing to treat her like a trash can. Being Body Positive doesn’t mean give up on your healthy lifestyle efforts or whatever fitness goals you might have.

You’re allowed to be #BodyPositive and still want to change your body.


But do it with the right attitude aka a “positive” one – a loving one. You cannot keep hating your body into something different and expect to find happiness at the end of it. Hate fuels more hate and thus the quest for perfection continues on and on…

Love is all that will drown out hate…so make loving choices for your body, do exercise that you love showing up for and don’t make excuses for, and talk to yourself in a loving way. Drown out hateful thoughts.

Being Body Positive also means treating your body with respect and encouraging her to be the best she can be. Healthy, happy, loved, fulfilled, and free!

Click below to listen to the episode! I come in about 27 minutes in, but it’s worth listening to the whole thing. Enjoy!
