Time for some straight up biz talk. I often get asked questions about my business, so I want to give you guys the full shabang, and tell you how I went from zero to hero.

Let me tell you one thing – it was no overnight success. I came from a family with very little money, I grew up in Coventry, England – a place where there were very little opportunities, and people weren’t really chasing big ambitions.

When I first started my business in December 2012, I was working as a full time commercial model for various different commercial and catalogue clients, and feeling extremely unfulfilled. I was also a yoga teacher, teaching 6 classes a week.

I had a dream inside my heart.

I was completely lit up by food and health. I was just finishing up my health coaching training, had discovered a huge passion for wellness, and was trying to get clients so that I could begin my journey helping women become healthier and happier in themselves. I had a big mission on my heart. I wanted to help women transform their relationships with food, and love themselves – like I was learning to, a long standing battle with bulimia.

I had zero business training behind me. I did not get a business degree, nor did I have any investment or help whatsoever.

I just had a dream, and about 200 quid in the bank.

I had nobody in my life that showed me what ‘success’ looked like, no mentors, no clue what I was doing, and trying to build a business that made a difference in other people’s lives – while still juggling two jobs!

Needless to say, I spent a lot of time feeling overwhelmed, confused and completely stuck. I was also broke, and had no savings.

Nevertheless, I was obsessed with doing this. I knew that creating an online business and platform to share my message was what I wanted to do, it was calling me, it kept me awake at night. I didn’t know where I was going with it, but I just knew I had to pursue it.

At this time, I had also started creating recipes and food blogging in my kitchen. I was also teaching yoga at Pure Gym! Yep, that’s right! I had no audience, no followers, no program for anyone to buy from me, and just a humble Facebook page called ‘Mel Wells Yoga and Nutrition’, where I would share recipes and advice, and tell people (my friends!) when I would be teaching a yoga class.

I was trying to build my own website on a free platform, and spending up to 10 hours a day trying to figure out how to do it. I couldn’t afford to pay anyone to build it, so I did it by myself, and back in 2013, trust me it was much harder than it is now! I pulled a lot of all nighters teaching myself how to do everything from scratch (and it was still terrible!), and I even used my modelling contacts to bag free photoshoots in the park – so I had decent photos for my website, of me holding a smoothie or doing yoga!

I had no idea how to build a brand, get clients or find my tribe.


People around me thought I was bonkers. “Get a normal job!” some people said. “Stick to what you know!” they said.


And now?

Since starting my business in 2012 with zero in the bank, I have now gone on to build multiple six figures in revenue, all by sharing my powerful message, and helping women to change their lives for the better. I landed my dream book deal and wrote the bestselling book ‘The Goddess Revolution’, published by my dream publisher Hay House, followed up by my second book which became an instant bestseller, ‘Hungry For More’.

I have become a TEDx speaker, been featured in top publications such as Forbes, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, OK Magazine and the BBC, have appeared on TV shows such as Loose Women and Good Morning LALA Land, I have grown a team I love that work all over the world, created my online signature program The Academy which has now helped over a thousand women to make peace with food and love themselves, and ran global women’s transformation retreats in Bali, Thailand, the Maldives, and the UK for over 4 years.

I created the world’s first Self Love Summit, where 400 women annually come together in London to be inspired, empowered and educated on all things personal growth, and this year launched my new membership, The Goddess Collective, welcoming over 600 women in the doors.

On top of that, I have been able to travel the world at the same time, living my dream life, while running my business from my laptop.

I spend my life travelling between London, LA and Bali, running my business from my laptop and coaching my clients over Zoom.


Sounds pretty epic right?


I tell you all of this not only to brag – because let’s be honest, I’m damn proud of what I’ve achieved having starting from nothing.


I tell you all of this because if there is something stirring in your soul that tells you now is the time for you to start your dream business, then I want you to know that this type of life is one hundred percent available for you too.


If I can do it, you can too.


It was most definitely not easy, and definitely not an overnight success, it took years of work to get to where I am now.


I LOVE seeing so many women in my audience starting their passion businesses online. It makes me SO happy that more of us women are becoming empowered to live their lives on their terms – especially when it involves starting a business that helps other women!


So, how did I do it?


I could break it down step by step for you – but I thought instead, I’d share with you the person who helped me in my first year of business, when I was broke, scrambling, and had no idea what I was doing.


Allow me to introduce to you my first mentor in business – Marie Forleo.

This woman taught me step by step how to learn and navigate the world of online business, how to market to my audience without feeling salesy, how to find my tribe and create programs I truly love. I literally cannot thank this woman enough for all the magic she has brought into my life.

When I was struggling and desperate to make ends meet and grow my business, she showed me the ways of online business, so I could cut through the overwhelm. It truly made everything SO much more enjoyable, and made me see what was really possible for my life and business. She completely opened my eyes.

Thanks to her program, B-School, I was able to create a business and life that I love. I could not be more thankful to this lady. B-School taught me so much about building an authentic business from the heart.

If you’ve been in my audience for a while, you’ll know I never sell anyone else’s stuff to you. I hardly ever do ‘ads’ on social media, and I don’t ever promote things to you on email that I don’t fully believe in. That’s because I care about you, and me, and I will only send you details of other people’s programs if a) I have actually done them myself! and b) I know they are incredible!

Marie chooses to only open B-School once a year – and that time is SOON. (Tuesday Feb 19th to be exact)

I believe in Marie’s work so much, that I am now a proud affiliate for B-School. B-School and Marie, completely changed the course of my life, and I simply have to pay it forward to you goddesses.

This means I’ve prepared for you a juicy bonus if you join up through me!

I’ll keep that bonus under wraps for now, but trust me when I say you are going to love it!

Right now, B-School doesn’t open until 19th February.

BUT… I’ll be in touch to let you know when Marie’s free 3 part training is officially LIVE. You aren’t gonna want to miss that. She gives a TON of value in this 3 part training, so whether you want to do B-School or not, you’ll be well on your way to crafting your dream business.

Marie truly is THE BEST in the business world, someone I have admired for years and if it wasn’t for B-School, I can confidently say there is no way I would be where I am now.

I’ll let you know when B-School officially opens too, so you can join and get your bonus from me!

With so much love –





Marie’s Free Video Training is Now LIVE! 🎉

In this FREE 3 part video training she’ll share with you:

– A simple 6 step roadmap to help you launch and grow your business online with class and smarts.
– How to overcome the fear and doubt that keeps most business owners stuck.
– The exact framework she used to build a highly profitable global brand.
– What you need to focus on first, second, third and so on to eliminate overwhelm and take consistent action.

Are you ready to bring your dream business to life? 🙌🏻

Click here to watch Marie’s Free Training Series!