

Today I want to talk about people pleasing and self care.

I’ve been really trying to prioritise self care lately for myself. And quite frankly, saying no to the things that I simply do not want to do.

I think ‘No’ is an extremely underused word, and we should use it more often. That’s not to say you should be letting your friends down, being flaky or unreliable. It’s just to say you need to really truly ask yourself more often:

‘Is this what I really want to do?’  

Don’t get me wrong, I know that there are times in life where we have to do things that we don’t particularly find exciting or interesting, and that’s fine. But you can seriously minimise how often that is by respecting yourself enough to say no when people are expecting too much from you.

I believe a lot of the time in life, we go along with things that we really don’t want to do, because we are so damn scared of upsetting anyone.

And I truly believe that a huge part of emotional eating for many women can be down to the fact they are feeling suppressed in what they truly desire. 

Aka – people pleasers are far more likely to be emotional eaters.

So what have you been agreeing to do lately, that you know deep in your heart that you really should have said no to in the first place?

Out of these things, what can you say no to? What can you delegate to someone else?

And what have you done lately to just please YOU?

Let’s talk self care now.

My favourite thing to do lately is to dedicate a whole day, or afternoon, to self care for myself and my body. 

When was the last time you took a day by yourself, to do things that make YOU happy?

Go take yourself to a new place for lunch, get your hair done, see a friend, go for a walk, get an early night, get a pedicure, light a candle, tidy your home, run a bubble bath, do a face mask, and write out some goals and dreams for the future.

The more time we dedicate to slowing down and allowing time for self care, the less we feel the need to ‘fill the space’ with grabbing food or mindless eating.

And the more time we allow for self care, the more our relationship with our body grows strong, the more we learn to respect our own boundaries, and can make conscious decisions on where we are deciding to invest our precious time and energy.



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