

Are you still living by the rules of dieting?
(In fact, are you still living by the rules of the world?)

I hate to break it to you honey, but having those rules in place could be the very thing that’s stopping you reaching your goals.

When most women join The Green Goddess Academy… they are still stuck in a world of weighing, counting, calories, and a strict set of rules from the last ‘diet’ or system they tried. 

My work is to help you unlearn all those old rules, habits, and patterns, and create a brand new set of principles (we don’t do rules here!) that help you listen to your body, connect with your inner wisdom, and understand your cravings at a much deeper level.

The results? Here’s a sneak peek at some of the break throughs currently happening inside The Green Goddess Academy(we are half way through the program with the 108 Goddesses who enrolled in June!)


…I feel the best I have ever felt, by nourishing my body and looking after myself I don’t feel deprived or like I’m missing something. I ate out over the weekend and I enjoyed it, I didn’t make myself feel guilty or bad, I think it’s the first meal out where I’ve come away from it feeling positive. 
Thank you Mel for opening my eyes. Gone are the days of self hate and feeling guilty.”


Just been shopping and bought a size 12 pair of trousers!! I’m so happy right now! I’ve spent the last year struggling on endless diets and being stuck at a 14/16 down from a size 24 because I was feeling deprived etc. The rewards are now flooding in and it feels soooo good to not be counting anything anymore!

“…I’ve realised so many things, the biggest being that it’s okay to be me and shine and not hide away any more and let my true self come out. Confidence was the big thing for me that I wanted to get out of this and it’s coming in abundance everyday more and more!”

“…After hiding my scales I’ve realised I’m now breaking a lifelong habit! I’m finishing module 2 this week but I’ve already learned so many things I didn’t know about myself. Eating healthier and feeling better for it too. A word keeps popping in my head…..ABUNDANCE!!!

“I have now not weighed myself for 4 days, result! First time in a long time even to leave it that long! Starting to realise how freeing it is to not live by the scalio’s! Completing module 3 and starting module 4 has helped with this break through, with the repeated scale chucking prompts, yesssssss! Thanks Mel this is changing my life for the better!”

Put it this way. If you’ve been someone who’s been losing and gaining the same 20lbs for years on end, just giving yourself a new set of rules to try and abide by each time, then this is the practice you need to change your life. This is the practice you need to be at pace with your body and your food forever. This is the practice you need that actally keeps the weight off and it feels effortless. And you can still eat out with your friends, sans guilt! In fact, eating out is a huge part of my social life and don’t think anyone should be avoiding it for the sake of a set of food rules made up by the imaginary food police who exist in your head.

The Green Goddess Academy opens its doors again for new Goddesses in December!
So stay on the mailing list and keep your eyes peeled!



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