Fresh Strawberries (I bought 3 punnets as some of the strawberries aren’t usable because of being the wrong shape!) Ideally you want about 20 strawberries in total, if that’s a good guideline!
Coconut Milk – one 400g can (can be found in the Thai/World Foods section of your Supermarket. NB Do not get the ‘Light’ version or it won’t work!)
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tbsp Stevia or Agave Syrup (I used Stevia)
Small packet of dried blueberries or raisins.



Leave can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight!
Choose best shaped strawberries! (They should be heart shaped ideally!)
Get coconut milk can out of the fridge – you will see it has separated into thick cream and water. Scoop out the cream and put it in a bowl with the Stevia and the Vanilla. Use an electric whisk to make the mixture soft, whipped and fluffy.Take one strawberry. Using a sharp knife, cut the bottom off so the strawberry is able to stand up. Then, remove the leaves and cut the “hat” off – (Cut about 1/3 way from the top).Using a spoon, place a blob of the Vanilla Coco Mixture on the standing strawberry. Place the hat on top. Use the end of a spoon to dip into the mixture, and then carefully make the ‘buttons’ on our Strawberry Santa, and also put a little blob on the top of the hat! (You will need steady hands for this!) Then lastly, cut tiny eyes from the dried blueberries. You will need to cut each blueberry into teeny tiny pieces, and then carefully place on for the Santa eyes!
Repeat! You can keep your Strawberry Santas in the fridge until you are ready to serve, (these are best served as soon as possible!)


A perfect healthy cute and festive party treat this Christmas! Also a great one to get the kids helping out in the kitchen- these are such fun to make and SO easy! An army of Strawberry Santas!