For the Puds
125g Walnuts
75g Carob
150g Dates
1 tsp Mixed Spices
Grated Ginger
Orange Zest
For the Icing
400g can Coconut Milk (not light)
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 tbsp Stevia or Agave Syrup
Leave the can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight to thicken.
Once set, scoop out the cream only, and place in a bowl with the Stevia and Vanilla.
Use an electric whisk, and whip until the mix is light and fluffy, then place to one side.
Throw all the pud ingredients into a food processor and blend until they resemble a thick dough
Line some muffin cases with clingfilm and then press the mixture into the cases.
Pop them in the freezer for an hour until firm, and then press out of their cases.
Mix together all the icing ingredients and then smooth the mixture over the top of your puds! Top with Goji Berries and a little Orange Zest.
These Puddings are SO amazing! Enjoy Goddess!